Embedded software for wearables, industrial, automation, instrumentation, IoT, smart cities and more

Our embedded software engineers are experts in wearable devices, industrial and commerical IoT, automation, instrumentation, smart cities, and many other vertical industries applications.

Connect devices to IoT systems to manage equipment, sensors, and peripherals remotely. Let the firmware interact directly with hardware, capture and process sensor data, and transfers it real-time to the cloud.

Our embedded firmware engineers work with chip companies, OEMs, and sensor companies to deliver embedded firmware that supports a broad set of architecture and devices, including ARM 32-bits microcontrollers and others.

Electronics OEMs are keen to reduce the cost and power consumption of their devices and equipment. We help solve these problems when developing their firmware.

Working On A Silicon Platform?
OEMs Count on Zapario for the Firmware and Embedded.

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