AI Algorithms and Smart Decisions Provides the Edge to Compete

Edge computing brings data capture, analysis, and processing, to the edge of the network and enabling AI algorithms to utilize that data generated locally by the smart device. These algorithms make smart independent decisions in no time without the need to connect to the internet or the cloud. Edge analytics and AI has endless use cases without any limits. Edge AI applications vary across consumer devices, smart gadgets, production lines, logistics, smart buildings, and smart cities.

What We Do

Through Artificial Intelligence, we help our customers create intelligent processes. We embed AI into their product and business processes to automate decision making. We produce models needed to detect deviations and defects, predict trends, assess risks, and optimize and simulate using advanced analytics techniques such as machine learning.

We help OEMs utilize real-time, relevant data and reap the benefits of machine learning. Be it for image, video, text, sensor fusion, or machine learning, Zapario drives analytics performed at the edge.

Flexible Business Models

Zapario business and engagement models are flexible and tailored to meet your specific objectives and priorities.

IoT App and Cloud Software Development

Our customers partner with us either on a project-based consulting or resource-based utilization model.

Managed Cloud Service

We offer all options and variations of Build, Build and Operate, and Build, Operate, and Transfer to a fully Zapario managed cloud service.

Concerned About Your Future?
Ensure Business and Longevity with Edge Analytics and AI.

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