Firmware, board support package, and embedded software for IoT and industry applications

Our expertise includes low-level and high-level descriptive languages for bare-metal, RTOS, Linux, and FreeRTOS. We specialize in all industry-standard semiconductor platforms from ST Microelectronics, Texas Instrument, Microchip, Atmel, NXP, Nordic, and ESP32.

Our firmware engineers have experience with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft cognitive services, speech services and other cloud integration platforms. We work on industry leading Artificial Intelligence projects, using machine learning, computer vision, and image recognition libraries. We develop a range of firmware solution for electronics OEMs, maximizing utilization of hardware resources, optimizing performance in real-time processing, and developing cloud integration with Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, or Google Cloud.

Working On a Silicon Platform?
Win With Our Decades of Experience in Firmware, BSP, and Embedded.

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