IoT Digital Twin

Zapario uses IoT technology to build digital twins of your asset (product or equipment). An IoT digital twin is an exact virtual representation of a physical asset that looks, behaves, and can be engaged just like its physical counterpart. This helps bring down costs, reduce physical and financial risk, and speed up the testing and learning process. Factory production managers use them to identify and mitigate process vulnerabilities, and businesses can use IoT digital twins to train new employees in difficult, critical, or potentially dangerous processes.

IoT Asset Tracking and IoT Asset Monitoring

IoT asset tracking provides real-time visibility of your deployed assets wherever they are, thereby improving efficiency, eliminating delays, reducing operational costs, and mitigating theft, loss, and vandalism. IoT asset monitoring captures the state of your asset to determine performance. We can capture all IoT asset data, such as temperature, vibration, pressure, current, voltage, and error codes that indicate if the asset is performing optimally. With increased visibility via IoT asset monitoring or IoT equipment monitoring, you can maximize the utilization and investment of your asset.

IoT Remote Control

Control your IoT asset remotely from anywhere in the world. Examples of IoT remote control include turning on or shutting off devices and equipment, locking or unlocking doors on equipment, and varying operational asset parameters such as current, voltage, pressure, temperature, etc.

IoT Automation

IoT in industrial, commercial, and consumer domains is a game changer leading to significantly increased safety, security, and efficiency. The OEM devices, sensors, and equipment become a part of IoT automation – continuously gathering data that is analyzed in the Zapario IoT cloud and sending alerts or taking indicated actions through actuators.

IoT Predictive Maintenance

We continuously monitor and infer your asset status, health, and performance to proactively detect issues in real-time. IoT predictive maintenance analytics captures the state of your asset to identify potential breakdowns before they impact its operation, resulting in an increase in equipment lifespan, customer satisfaction, worker safety, and supply chain optimization.

IoT Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection enables Zapario to detect problems for virtually any scenario. We leverage time-series anomaly detection capabilities to help users identify problems quickly. Zapario detects spikes, dips, deviations from cyclic patterns, and trend changes through both univariate and multivariate data. We customize the service to detect any level of anomaly. Zapario deploys the IoT anomaly detection service where you need it – in the cloud or at the edge. IoT Fraud Detection is a specific case of IoT anomaly detection.

IoT Alerts & IoT Notifications

OEMs or their end customers get real-time insights from smart and connected products with automatic IoT alerts and IoT notifications. Alerts and notifications are customizable and are delivered via email, phone call, text, or messaging (WhatsApp, Signal, etc.)

IoT Customer Insights

OEMs’ smart and connected devices are all around us emit data that is captured in the Zapario IoT cloud. We apply artificial intelligence analysis to the collected data, synthesize, and provide actionable IoT customer insights to the OEMs or their end customers. 

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